Monday, November 2, 2009

Yankee Doodle for THURSDAY 5 NOVEMBER

A Paddy Whack©

Our Tea Party came to Congress
Will you even listen?
No Health Care or Cap & Trade
Or your seat you’ll be missin’

Stand Together, Yes we will!
Standing for our Nation
Stand Together, Yes we will
Return to our Foundation!

Our Tea Party came to Congress
And you say we’re phony
But we’re here to kill the bill
And stop you printing Money

Stand Together, Yes we will!
Standing for our Nation!
Stand Together, Yes we will
Return to our Foundation!

We are angry are you deaf?
We don’t want Socialism!
Stop the spending, end the Debt
We don’t want Communism!

Stand Together! Yes we will!
Standing for our Nation!
Stand Together, Yes we will!
Return to our Foundation

We are here in Washington
Please read our Constitution!
Can you hear us now? You fools?
Our voices are in millions!

Stand Together! Yes we will!
Standing for our Nation!
Stand Together, Yes we will
Return to our Foundation!

We believe in Liberty
We love our Constitution!
We will protect our land so Free
This is Our Revolution!



  1. Great Parody Mrs P!

    I sure wish I coulda been standing there next to ya like on 9/12.

    Hopefully the message gets across to the morons in congress.

    This one would make a good video :)

  2. Thanks, Jack. I got 'video'd' by several folks at the rally. Look for me on Youtube! LOL I may make another one myself. Singing through a Bullhorn isn't exactly purty!

  3. Love, love, love reading your posts. You ever want someone to stand by your side and sing along give me a shout...although I am not sure I will be on key but my heart sure will be in it. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.
