Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obama The Top Banana

Copacabana (At the Copa)Words and Music by Barry Manilow, Bruce Sussman, and J. Feldman

A Paddy Whack©
Obama The Top Banana

His name was Barry Hussein Obama
This fellow travels everywhere and the press sucks up their share
He's in the Belt-Way, People are Ga-Ga
And all the folk think he's a star, But he's pushing us too far
Bail-outs and cars galore, This jerk just Takes some more
So what, he's young, but as we'll discover
He just asks for more!

That's Obama! (BO!), The Top Banana! (Banana!)
The hot despot north of Havana (here)
That's Obama! (BO!), The Top Banana!
No more compassion This Marxist's the fashion
That's Obama!...So tell me, Gov....

He thinks he's 'Eco,' Eats like a gourmand
He adds abortion to his fare, gives payola here and there
And when he's finished, it will be over
But 'eco' went a bit too far, Cap and Trade across the bar
And soon this bunch will rue, the taxes that are due
This stupid dud made a single dunk shot
But just who dunked who?

That's Obama (BO!), the Top Banana (Banana!)
The hot despot north of Havana (here)
That's Obama (BO!), the Top Banana
Marxist in fashion, Where is the compassion?
That's Obama...So save me, Gov!

('Bama the Top Banana)
('Bama the Top Banana) (Obama-Banana ahh ahh ahh ahh)
(Ahh ahh ahh ahh 'Bama the Top Banana)
(Marxist 'compassion'...always the fashion)

His name's Obama, he was the POTUS
But that was 30 years ago, And we're still bankrupt you know
Now we all kow-tow, and read the state KOS
Still in the mess we have to share, but B.O.'s a trillionare
The U.S.A.'s flatline, I think we all were blind!
We lost our Freedom and that's not funny!
Yes, we lost our mind!

That's Obama (BO!), the Top Banana (Banana!)
The hot despot north of Havana (here)
That's Obama (BO!), the Top Banana
Marxist in fashion, Where is the compassion?
That's Obama...

Don't save me, Gov!
'Bama Don't save me Gov!

Obama the top Banana
Obama the top Banana

(repeat and fade until we become the Banana Republic he envisions)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

We Won't Retreat!

Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats
Original Songwriters: Tompkins, Chris; Kear, Josh;A

A Paddy Whack©
We Won't Retreat!

Right now we're planning Tea Parties
With a Gadsden Flag
And we're feeling Patriotic
Right now they're probably chugging down
A little KoolAid drink '
'cause the Libs are psychotic.
Right now Obama's right beside 'em with a cool trick,
Showin' off but he's a big Dumbo...
And don't he know!?

He shoved my Freedom to the Side
Took a shredder to my Constitution, Right!
Brought G.M. into his balance sheet!
He brought Chicagoland thuggers to our Empire
Stashed it full of raging liars
But maybe next time he'll blink!
We won't retreat!

Right now, they're probably up thinking some
Slap-Dash version to deny he's raising taxes
Right now, he's probably saying, "I won."
And we're all thinking that we need to grind our axes.
Right now, he's probably adding on 3 trillion worth!
But that Debt's a No Go!
Oh and he don't know!?

He shoved my Freedom to the Side
Took a shredder to my Constitution, Right!
Brought G.M. into his balance sheet!
He brought Chicagoland thuggers to our Empire
Stashed it full of raging liars
But maybe next time he'll blink!
We won't retreat!

We might just save a little freedom for the rest, Girl!'
Cause the next one that retreats
Oh, you know it won't be me!
No, not me!

'Cause he shoved my Freedom to the Side
Took a shredder to my Constitution, Right!
Brought G.M. into his balance sheet!
He brought Chicagoland thuggers to our Empire
Stashed it full of raging liars
But maybe next time he'll blink!
We won't retreat!

Oh maybe next time he'll blink!
We won't retreat!
Oh, we won't retreat...
Oh oh oh...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Debtor Nation Ruled by Czars

From Swingin' on a Star by Burke/Van Huesen
A Debtor Nation Ruled by Czars
A Paddy Whack©

Would you like to bring on more Czars?
Barry goon teams! He’s such a Star!
Do you think that this is bizarre?
Or would you rather be a fool?

A fool thinks that Barry with his long funny ears
Can Fix up our nation, has no fear.
His brain is cloudy and his spine is limp
He’s just plain stupid, yes, he’s stuck on Wimp
And I will say, if you are Obama’s Tool
You just may be another Fool.

Or would you like to bring on a Czar?
Barry’s friends are simply bizarre
There were clues in Barry’s memoir
Or would you rather be a pig?

A pig is regular on Capitol Hill
They bring home the pork in every bill
With Senate voting to pass Cap & Trade
Our ‘Fundamental Change’ is almost made
But if you like all the taxes and our debt
I say you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Or would you like to bring on a Czar?
Commies like Van Jones are the par
Browner and Sunstein are bizarre
Or would you rather be in debt?

A debt for our nation is just over the top
I wish they’d just listen! We Say: Stop!
With crushing debt and bail outs for the bank
I wish those pirates could just walk the plank
But if you think spending money will bring wealth
You're prob'ly in the tank for health

Surrender-monkeys aren’t in the zoo
In the Congress there’s quite a few
And if you think there’s nothing to do
It could get even more bizarre
A debtor nation ruled by Czars.

Monday, September 14, 2009

1-2 Million Taxpayer March on DC 9/12/09

Wow! I had a tremendous experience at the March on Washington. Friends were delayed 2 hours trying to bring the Metro into the city, and I spoke to another couple that wound up taking a cab because the capitol police would not allow any more busses into the city.

I have never been prouder to be an American. Will try to post pix and video when I get home.

Can you hear us NOW???? Judging by the reporting, not so much. Washington Post estimated 'tens of thousands' ...but the capitol police estimated 1.5 MILLION on the DAY of the March! I was unable to see the end of the crowd in any direction. Great People. Great Americans all.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Branding Obama

Just some thoughts as a departure from my usual say-it-with-song. I have been increasingly aware of the Branding of Obama. Never in my lifetime have I seen the image and name of an American President so obvious in our everyday culture.

It's hard to ignore his face on every magazine, his 117 and counting press appearances since he took office, and the name Obama associated with everything! His 'presence' is the stem for the spin on every issue. This was brought home to me today when I was watching a video on the internet site Popmodal is the 'conservative alternative to Youtube' and the following were listed as 'Ads by Google': Education Stimulus Use Obama's Education Stimulus Package & Earn Your Degree Online! and next to it: Obama's Affordable Program Learn the Home Affordable Program. Free Analysis and Prequalification. (Emphasis Mine)

I don't know about you, but this disturbs me a lot. When did we switch from a Government by the People to the sheep looking to Obama (or any president or politician) for every aspect of our life? Did he personally achieve the Education Stimulus Package and the Affordable Program? What part did Congress play? The American People? Was this an executive order from the President? Why is his name attached to it? Is this the United States of Obama?

There is this idol-worship going on over this president, and it is undeserved. He has broken every 'campaign' promise he made, and is implementing his agenda (which those of us who were not star-struck by his charismatic presence heard him articulate during the campaign) which is radical and out-of-step with the majority of Americans.

He couched all of his radical agenda in feel-good, buzz-words. Things like Responsibility, and Sacrifice and Hard Work, all the while planning to cut the legs out from under our freedoms, our liberty, and our free-market economy. Obviously, he didn't do this all by himself, but the acceleration by which he is doing what he promised when he said "We are five days away from fundamentally changing America." is indeed frightening.

It is frightening because I believe a large number of people who voted for this man wanted to believe that the fundamental changes he was referring to were the noble goals of ending the divisiveness and partisanship in Washington and doing the right thing for our nation. Nevermind that his fundamental beliefs in 'social justice' and 'wealth redistribution' are at odds with the majority of Americans! People really REALLY wanted to BELIEVE, and gave him the benefit of the doubt. They gave him the benefit of their most precious of possessions. They gave him their vote; trusting an un-trustworthy man.

And now we find ourselves in a surreal America, where I don't recognize what it has become. We have an Administration that is consolidating power with non-vetted, non-congressionally-approved Czars. This totally bastardizes the notion of checks and balances within our Federal government. (AND among the czars are some truly alarming individuals with alarming ideologies). We have an Administration that is marketing the President like the modern-day equivalent of a Snake-oil Salesman. And we have an Administration that is taking over Corporations, throwing businesses into bankruptcy and firing CEOs and dictating salaries and bonuses. We have an Administration that is not only dispensing political pay-back with legislation, but with huge piles of money that we do not have, all in the name of 'stimulus.' He has quadrupled our national debt in 6 months, and shows no sign of halting that run-away spending ever. And we have an Administration that displays its arrogance by refusing to answer questions, and dismissing Tea Party Demonstrators as 'folks waving tea bags.'

I see that Americans are waking up. I pray that it is not too late. What is your freedom worth? How do you feel about Liberty? The right to own property? The benefits of free enterprise?

All of you who like the President, what would you say about all this if Bush were still in office?

There was (rightfully) a huge outpouring of anger and protest over the spending under the Bush Administration. Well, now your guy has QUADRUPLED it! What say you?

We all need to wake the hell up. I'm going to Washington next week. I CANNOT sit idly by and watch this Administration, and this Congress totally ignore the voice of WE THE PEOPLE.

Hey Washington! YOU WORK FOR US!

In the meantime, I pledge to continue to SEEK AND SPEAK the truth. I love my country and I revere our Constitution that puts limits on WASHINGTON not on We the People. I will continue to fight against the 'branding' of Obama as some kind of all-powerful, all-knowing, 'One.' The trappings of our society make idols out of ordinary men so we must remain vigilant to the insidiousness of Obama-speak.

Mr. Obama is not my idol. He is my enemy because he is an enemy of our Constitutional liberties. He is my enemy because he is not defending our Constitution; he's shredding it. He is the Domestic Enemy that is mentioned in the Oath of Office (and he is not alone, you can throw a majority of the members of Congress into that category when they refuse to abide by the LIMITS on their authority as spelled out in the Constitution). He has declared war upon WE the PEOPLE by undermining our economy and using the power of his position, money, unions, fear, and a complicit press to effectively ignore the will of the people.

And I will say this while I still have the freedom to do so.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hey Van Jones

Casey Jones (Johnny Cash Version)

A Mrs. Paddy Whack©
Hey Van Jones

Come all you Patriots, you'll want to hear
The story of a man that has Obama's ear
Now Van Jones is the so-called Green Czar's name
And I'm here to tell you all about his rise to fame.

Radical from Oakland, friend to killers too
A Nine Eleven Truther, and Black Nationalist who
Has sought to free a cop-killer, Abu-Jamal
Now he's got a brand new office on the national mall.

Hey Van Jones, He's Obama's flunky
Hey Van Jones, Eco-Fear his friend
Hey Van Jones, A member of the Cadre
Just another czar for Barry, this has got to end.

He was a member of a group called STORM
And that ain't all if you will heed! Be warned!
He's been a part of the Apollo group
And he thinks we poison people! Is this man a Stoop?

Barry's confidant, he's Jarret's, star
Who's watched since Oakland this man rise to Czar
He wants a retrofit with Eco-jobs
Using climate fear to turn us into shish kebabs!


Green-collar jobs now are his claim to fame
At least the book he wrote does bear that name
Social justice in an eco-pack
But I think the lad's solution runs us off the track!

Should we be worried? Or should we beware?
Obama's czar believes in germ warfare!
He's got a rap sheet and served jail-time too
Now were's all supposed to think that green is blue.


Headaches and heartaches and all kinds of pain
Are all a part of B. Obama's game
Sweat and Toil and Taxes on our back
Hurling headlong into danger on Obama's track.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Czars Fell in With Obama

Czars Fell in with Obama
A Paddy Whack©

(Song: Stars Fell on Alabama :Original song Writers: Parish/Perkins)

He calls himself Obama
He missed that he's almost white
And Czars fell in with Obama
That's right!

We the people start to clamor
His lies never could be white
While Czars fell in with Obama
That's right.

I never thought in my imagination
A failing nation ... No more the Free
A land where everyone could enter
And in the center - health care for free.

There's a sickle with a hammer
To arms, fight for what is right'
Cause Czars fell in with Obama
That's right.