Monday, June 20, 2011

He's so Shady

Well, I almost didn't do this, tired of hearing about Weiner, but now I hear that his resignation might only be 'exploratory!" had to do it. Thanks Lura!

Based on "She's A Lady" made famous by Tom Jones

Well he's all Dems ever want
He's a Congressman that flaunts his little weener
Well on Twitter or My Space
With No Style and no Grace, he's just a Weiner
He's so shady. Whoa whoa whoa, he's so shady
Talking about that Weiner-gate-y
And that Weiner just whines!
Well you knew just what he'd say
He got hacked the other day, somebody messing
Won't you leave the guy alone? He has nothing to atone! Now he's confessing.
He's so shady, Whoa whoa whoa. He's so Shady
Talkin' about the pictures made-he, and the Weiner just whines.
Well the Twitters didn't show us much, what was he abusing?
Tweeting to a bunch of girls, what the heck's he using?
What he's got's not hard to find, and I think he's a loser
Help him find the exit door and send him on his way...hey hey hey.
Well we know what he's about,
Even liberals want him out, and that's amazing
We've seen more in just one view
And he must know what to do, and that's no hazing
He's so shady! Whoa whoa whoa. He's so shady.
Talkin' about that Weiner-Gate-y, and the Weiner just whines.
Yeah yeah yeah He's so Shady
Listen to me baby, He's so Shady
Whoa whoa whoa, He's so Shady
And the Weiner just whines
Yeah yeah yeah He's so shady
Talkin about this Weiner-gate-y
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa and the Weiner just whines
Yeah yeah He's so Shady
And the Weiner just whines.

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